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Mar 02, 2023 /K18 FUNdamentals, products + routines

FUNdamentals 30: What do lasting + progressive results mean?

You know what's FUN-damental? When your product works. We'll be breaking down key info + recommendations to help you get the most out of K18.

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Lasting + progressive damage repair may sound too good to be true—especially with all the rinse-off products on the market. Is it magic? Nope. It’s science, baby. 

Let’s dive in.

so, how do my results last? 

Your lasting molecular repair results come from our one-of-a-kind biomimetic K18PEPTIDE™. Biomimetic breaks down like this: bio (biology) + mimetic (mimicking). Our peptide mimics hair’s biology. It’s identical in structure to the protein building blocks in your hair, so your strands recognize it as their own. That means it’s able to deliver genuine hair renewal, restoring structure most similar to actual proteins, like keratin in hair before it’s damaged.

tell me more…

When we do things like bleach our hair or expose it to other harsh chemicals + heat, the polypeptide chains in the innermost layers of your hair break down and disconnect. Since these chains are responsible for your hair’s core strength + elasticity, this leaves you with weakened, dull, lifeless hair. 

Our K18PEPTIDE™ works in a different way AND at a different place in the hair fiber than any other type of product or technology out there. Since it’s recognized as the real deal, our peptide is able to penetrate deep into your hair fibers and reach allll the way to the innermost layers of your hair. A molecular level so deep, that rewetting or washing your hair won’t impact the reconnection vs. traditional masks that sit on the surface of hair and easily rinse away once you’re back in the shower. 

Our peptide works like this:

FUNdamentals 30: What do lasting + progressive results mean?

After repairing multiple broken bonds and restoring disconnected polypeptide chains, hair strength is reinforced across the length AND width of your hair in just 4 minutes. Cool.

FUNdamentals 30: What do lasting + progressive results mean?

and it’s even better over time 

Your healthy hair results don’t just last, they get BETTER with every use. Yep, our molecular repair technology delivers progressive results that rebuild hair strength each time you use it. That’s why we recommend using the K18 mask for 4-6 washes, for results that get better with continued use. 

But if your results last, why do you need to keep using molecular repair? Here’s the thing, damage is ongoing—and everywhere. From the environment to your expression routine, just having hair sets you up for damage. We like to say your use of the K18 leave-in molecular repair mask is ongoing, so your repair stays ongoing too.

Now nothing—not even hair damage—can get in the way of your expression.

See ya soon for more FUNdamentals.

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